Keys and Key Blanks
The following information was collected from sources including members of the fiatcabrios yahoo group and, who can supply most of these blanks. Please support them, as their website was very helpful to me.
Each car came with 3 keys:
- Ignition
- Driver’s door, fuel door, and trunk
- Glove Box
If anyone has photographs of the original keys or blanks, please send them to me. I only have the original ignition key for my car, and it’s all rusty, so not the most photogenic.
Ignition Key, 1500 118K
The original key says ‘FIAT’ on one side, and “Sipea / Licenza Neiman” on the other. On the sipea side there is a 5-digit key code. Each digit represents the depth of a notch in the key.
The following key blanks are equivalent to the original:
Manufacturer | Number | |
Ilco | NE9 |
Taylor | F74T | |
Curtis | FT36 | |
Silca | SIP1 | |
Dominion (DL) | NE9 |
This second set of blanks look basically the same and have the same keyway, but without the pre-cut notches at the end. I believe they can be used as well, though.
Manufacturer | Number | |
ERREBI | SP19 | |
Ilco | F44 |
Dominion (DL) | SAF5 | |
Silca | SIP2 |
This third series of blanks also appear to be the same keyway as the previous ones (also missing the pre-cut notches) but have a rectangular head instead. I have not confirmed that these will work.
Manufacturer | Number | |
Ilco | FT43 |
Dominion (DL) | SP9 | |
Taylor | X109 | |
Curtis | FT43 | |
Silca | SIP11 |
If you wish to have a key with a plastic head, the blanks used for later fiat 124/2000 spiders should work.
Ignition Key, 1200
This key was used on the in-dash ignition for the 1200 spider, and probably the 1500S and early 1500 as well.
Manufacturer | Number | |
Ilco | F38 |
Dominion (DL) | DR61F |
Taylor | F66A | |
Curtis | FT20 | |
Silca | AF7C |
Trunk, Door, Lock (all)
Original key had Trama on one side and Torino on the other.
Manufacturer | Number | |
Ilco | F91C |
Dominion (DL) | SF2 |
Taylor | F72X | |
Curtis | FT34 | |
Silca | AF4B |
Glove Box (all)
This “FS Code” key blank was used on a number of british cars. A round-head version is also available as Ilco 62DS.
Manufacturer | Number | |
Taylor | S71B | |
Ilco | 62FS | |
Dominion (DL) | 62DR |
Curtis | UN18 | |
Silca | UNI11A |
Star | UN3 |